Special Orders

Do you have a specific brand of food you order for your pet? Do you want larger volumes of bird pellets or seeds for your pets? Are you looking for a particular size cage for your bird? Looking to get an aquarium of a specific size or shape? Needing a larger terrarium for your reptile?

There's a good possibility we'll be able to help you get what you need for your pets. We have several customers with specific dog and cat food orders which come in weekly, every other week, or monthly, depending on the customer's unique needs. We hold their food in store until they're able to make it by and pick it up.

We've also ordered large aquariums in both glass and acrylic for customers looking to size up or fit a specific space in their home. Likewise with terrariums, when it comes to having adequate space for a larger reptile.

Ask for assistance with potential special orders at the front counter, including things like ordering specific replacement parts for aquarium filters or lights, and let us help you out today!